Proud of its centuries-old traditions (its roots go back to December 1, 1594), the University of Saint Joseph, located in southern Mainland China, is a modern, private, experimental and fully international institution. English is the working language throughout all programs, the student body represents over 65 nations and the academic faculty is similarly diversified.
Steeped in the Catholic tradition of education and based on a holistic approach to knowledge, the University affirms the primacy of learning through research, excellence in teaching, and a very personalized approach to each student’s academic, personal, social and spiritual development. A core curriculum is compulsory throughout the undergraduate programs where students learn to lead ethical and principled personal and professional lives.
The University of Saint Joseph is an Associate Member of EURASHE (European Union Association of Institutions in Higher Education), follows the Bologna Accords, and, being in China, is a privileged place from where to observe, study and participate in the resurgence of China as a major influence in the world.
The Rector, Professor Ruben de Freitas Cabral, says: “We are driven by the future, and resist the so-called tried and proven approaches. Learning and teaching are processes of discovering ourselves, the world and its complexity, and the diverse ways of knowing. Some of these phenomena are hard to teach, but can definitely be learned.”
USJ and the prestigious Catholic University of Portugal jointly award all degrees and diplomas, which include Licentiate, Master and Doctoral programs in Architecture, Design, Business, China Contemporary Studies, Christian Studies, International Relations, Government Studies, Philosophy, among others. The programs of study are organized in five major Schools: The School of Arts, Letters and Sciences; The School of Management, Leadership and Government; The School of Intelligent Systems and Technology, The School of Christian Studies and the Institute of Advanced Studies. The School for Lifelong Learning is very active in offering academic, professional and cultural programs to the Macau larger community. In addition to its academic life, the University has a very active cultural, social and community related activities.
The University of Saint Joseph is building a new and green campus in Macau that will allow for better ways to teach, to learn and to research.
University of St. Joseph (USJ)