Japanese company, SB Planning, specializes in casual apparel, offering design, production and licensing of products from bags to jeans.
Established in 2006, Japanese business SB Planning specializes in adult and children’s apparel. The company offers both OEM (original equipment manufacturing) and ODM (original design manufacturing) services, carrying out everything from material procurement and product planning proposals to made-to-order production, as well as offering its own brands.
Takuya Murayama, president of SB Planning, explains that what makes the company unique is its management philosophy allowing designers the freedom to create their own designs without having a strategy imposed on them. Mr. Murayama highlights: “We listen to the voices of the creators to understand what they want to create and convert that into a business.”
An example of this philosophy in practice is the company’s collaboration with designer Yoshiyuki Hayashi on its flagship brand, Resolute. Mr. Murayama explains that “Hayashi was given free reign to express himself through his patterns to produce denim jeans created with Japanese craftsmanship, manufactured on exclusive looms in the Niimi sewing center in Okayama.” The company’s other brand, Lantern, was conceived by one of its in-house designers that wished to create fashionable heat wear. Lantern’s collection incorporates a USB rechargeable battery into padded clothing that allows the customer to adjust the temperature.
SB Planning is currently operating in China and Southeast Asia but is looking to expand its presence in the European and American markets.