A firm focused on the challenge of environmental sustainability, Suiden specializes in expertly-crafted industrial fans, providing clients with innovative ventilation solutions that enhance companies’ working environments.
A specialist manufacturer of industrial fans, Suiden crafts innovative, premium-quality products that help companies to create the ideal working environment.
Customers can also count on the Japanese firm as a supplier of expertly-made technology such as spot coolers, dust collectors, floor sweepers, and vacuum cleaners – but its world-class fans are, without doubt, its flagship product.
“Their main purpose is to enhance work efficiency,” says President Yuji Kawai, who adds: “As a company, our slogan is to give shape to comfortability.”
Although aimed at industrial clients, Suiden’s fans meet a host of other needs, too. A prime example of this versatility is the L-Series, a portable exhaust fan.
“Its main target was factories,” Mr. Kawai explains. “However, it’s also used in places like school gyms. Air conditioners don’t really work in such a large facility, so it’s more efficient to exhaust the heat by a large volume of airflow.”
The L-Series also reflects Suiden’s drive to foster a greener future, as the fan’s newest version consumes 44.7% less power than its predecessor. “Going forward, we’re focusing on zero-carbon or energy-saving types of solutions,” Mr. Kawai says.
Another priority at Suiden is to increase overseas sales, as Japanese population decline leads to a shrinking domestic market. “My target is Africa, because they have a lot of issues with heat,” Mr. Kawai reveals. “We also see potential in India.”
Come 2027, when Suiden turns 80, Mr. Kawai hopes such efforts will have helped the company to reach its ambitious goal for growth.
“To achieve this, we’re working hard on development and are dedicated to diligent manufacturing.”