The Government of Morocco has created a favorable environment to improve public health and ensure the future of its citizens. But there is still some way to go, particularly in areas where international partnerships and private partners stepping in could be decisive
The Government of Morocco has created a favorable environment to improve public health and ensure the future of its citizens. But there is still some way to go, particularly in areas where international partnerships and private partners stepping in could be decisive
Morocco is diversifying the origin of its investors and aims to work together with Spain to offer a combined destination for tourists from Asia and America.
Morocco is diversifying the origin of its investors and aims to work together with Spain to offer a combined destination for tourists from Asia and America.
Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston Browne announced in December 2014 that the islands’ main port at St John’s would be transformed in a $255 million project by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. Port Authority CEO Darwin Telemaque tells United World that the changes will transform the islands into a logistics hub for the region and bring benefits for the entire nation.
Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston Browne announced in December 2014 that the islands’ main port at St John’s would be transformed in a $255 million project by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. Port Authority CEO Darwin Telemaque tells United World that the changes will transform the islands into a logistics hub for the region and bring benefits for the entire nation.
SEGESA is the energy distributor company of Equatorial Guinea, besides having the ambitious plan to provide electricity to its total population, SEGESA has the challenge of providing a fair price of KW and be a reliable source of energy to power the huge industrialization plan that is beginning to develop Equatorial Guinea.
The IBATIN team met Marcelino Sima Mba to discuss the present in Equatorial Guinea. He gave us a feedback on the transformations accomplished by President Obiang and how they affect the general state of the nation.
He stressed the importance of the energy sector to the country's development, providing facilities to investors and citizens and its progress in terms of efficiency, price and extension. He highlighted the facilities offered by the country to invest in Central Africa, in terms of infrastructure, potential customers, strategic geographical position, and above all, legal certainty and political stability. Finally, he emphasized the importance of strengthening the distinctive cultural and historical ties with Spain for the development of both peoples.
SEGESA is the energy distributor company of Equatorial Guinea, besides having the ambitious plan to provide electricity to its total population, SEGESA has the challenge of providing a fair price of KW and be a reliable source of energy to power the huge industrialization plan that is beginning to develop Equatorial Guinea.
The IBATIN team met Marcelino Sima Mba to discuss the present in Equatorial Guinea. He gave us a feedback on the transformations accomplished by President Obiang and how they affect the general state of the nation.
He stressed the importance of the energy sector to the country's development, providing facilities to investors and citizens and its progress in terms of efficiency, price and extension. He highlighted the facilities offered by the country to invest in Central Africa, in terms of infrastructure, potential customers, strategic geographical position, and above all, legal certainty and political stability. Finally, he emphasized the importance of strengthening the distinctive cultural and historical ties with Spain for the development of both peoples.
Multipurpose Terminals of Equatorial Guinea (TMGE) was established in April 2014 and despite taking its first steps, is a mature company. TMGE is the result of the fusion of the two most experienced shipping companies in Equatorial Guinea, Besora and Mac Guinea S.A. Both successful cases of permanence of Spanish capital in Equatorial Guinea, the first 35 years and 24 Mac Guinea SA. The objective of this merger is to provide a more efficient service to an even more competitive cost. To achieve this, the company made a deliberately strong commitment with an initial investment of approximately 10,000,000 Euros and a major focus on staff training that is expanding the labor horizon of local manpower.
The IBATIN team met Javier Cortés to discuss the present in Equatorial Guinea. He gave us feedback on the transformations accomplished by President Obiang and how it affects the general state of the nation.
He emphasized the central role of services in this second stage of the country development, as well as the importance of staff training and facilities that deeper integration at the regional and global level, would bring to the foreign capital investments.
He highlighted the opportunities in Equatorial Guinea for both foreign companies and workers, and the importance of building long-term projects for each case.
Multipurpose Terminals of Equatorial Guinea (TMGE) was established in April 2014 and despite taking its first steps, is a mature company. TMGE is the result of the fusion of the two most experienced shipping companies in Equatorial Guinea, Besora and Mac Guinea S.A. Both successful cases of permanence of Spanish capital in Equatorial Guinea, the first 35 years and 24 Mac Guinea SA. The objective of this merger is to provide a more efficient service to an even more competitive cost. To achieve this, the company made a deliberately strong commitment with an initial investment of approximately 10,000,000 Euros and a major focus on staff training that is expanding the labor horizon of local manpower.
The IBATIN team met Javier Cortés to discuss the present in Equatorial Guinea. He gave us feedback on the transformations accomplished by President Obiang and how it affects the general state of the nation.
He emphasized the central role of services in this second stage of the country development, as well as the importance of staff training and facilities that deeper integration at the regional and global level, would bring to the foreign capital investments.
He highlighted the opportunities in Equatorial Guinea for both foreign companies and workers, and the importance of building long-term projects for each case.
The progress of Spain is totally linked with the progress of Morocco, a "Marriage sans divorce" that has turned Spain into the first commercial partner of Morocco, ahead of France.
The progress of Spain is totally linked with the progress of Morocco, a "Marriage sans divorce" that has turned Spain into the first commercial partner of Morocco, ahead of France.
The Upper Reach team met with Dr. Praipol Koomsup, Vice Minister of Energy of the Kingdom of Thailand. During the interview he stressed the importance of reducing the reliance on imported energy -especially imported oil and gas- by promoting the use of renewable resources such as sugarcane, waste and rice husk, and animal manure to produce biogas. Another priority for the government is conservation and energy saving, and diversifying its existing energy sources.
The Upper Reach team met with Dr. Praipol Koomsup, Vice Minister of Energy of the Kingdom of Thailand. During the interview he stressed the importance of reducing the reliance on imported energy -especially imported oil and gas- by promoting the use of renewable resources such as sugarcane, waste and rice husk, and animal manure to produce biogas. Another priority for the government is conservation and energy saving, and diversifying its existing energy sources.
The CCEI Bank is the most important banking institution in the country. It was founded in 1994, before the exploitation of hydrocarbons started. Today, the financial sector in Equatorial Guinea has a protagonist role due to the new phase of the economic plan “Horizon 2020”, in which Equatorial Guinea is entering.
The CCEI Bank is still a key institution in this development process that aspires to transform the country in an emerging economy by the year 2020.
The IBATIN team met Alberto Doria, Deputy Director at the CCEI Bank, which has more 20 years in the country, to debate about the moment Equatorial Guinea is living. Doria delved into the financial system’s role in this moment of transformations and significant economic growth. He highlighted the country’s stability and emphasized the benevolence of the tax laws in force. Finally, he detailed the services the bank offers and the potentialities of a growing country that shows a unique development in the region in terms of infrastructure.
The CCEI Bank is the most important banking institution in the country. It was founded in 1994, before the exploitation of hydrocarbons started. Today, the financial sector in Equatorial Guinea has a protagonist role due to the new phase of the economic plan “Horizon 2020”, in which Equatorial Guinea is entering.
The CCEI Bank is still a key institution in this development process that aspires to transform the country in an emerging economy by the year 2020.
The IBATIN team met Alberto Doria, Deputy Director at the CCEI Bank, which has more 20 years in the country, to debate about the moment Equatorial Guinea is living. Doria delved into the financial system’s role in this moment of transformations and significant economic growth. He highlighted the country’s stability and emphasized the benevolence of the tax laws in force. Finally, he detailed the services the bank offers and the potentialities of a growing country that shows a unique development in the region in terms of infrastructure.
As she doesn’t come from a rich family or a traditional political clan in Chile, Ximena Rincón, Minister Secretary General to the Presidency, considers herself “a good example of what quality education can produce”. In this interview, she discusses the significance of the reforms, and explains in more details the need for a new constitution and a new electoral system.
As she doesn’t come from a rich family or a traditional political clan in Chile, Ximena Rincón, Minister Secretary General to the Presidency, considers herself “a good example of what quality education can produce”. In this interview, she discusses the significance of the reforms, and explains in more details the need for a new constitution and a new electoral system.
Despites his discrepancies with the way the government is applying structural reforms, Andrés Santa Cruz, President of the Confederation of the Production and Commerce (CPC), reaffirmed that the private sector will always work with the government to ensure the success of Chile and stressed the necessity of positive dialogue to reach common goals.
Despites his discrepancies with the way the government is applying structural reforms, Andrés Santa Cruz, President of the Confederation of the Production and Commerce (CPC), reaffirmed that the private sector will always work with the government to ensure the success of Chile and stressed the necessity of positive dialogue to reach common goals.