Kodaira Campus: Tsuda-machi Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8577, JAPAN
Sendagaya Campus: Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051, JAPAN
Phone Number
Fax Number:
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Number of Full-time Faculty: 100
Number of Part-time Faculty: 444
Number of Administrative Staff: 100
Introduction of your company & business:
Tsuda University is a private institution of higher education for women with a history of more than 125 years since its founding.
We are proud of the high quality of our education and the close relationships between students and faculty members. Over the years, Tsuda University has earned an excellent reputation for producing distinguished alumnae who have contributed to society locally as well as internationally in various fields.
Empowering Women to Make a Difference
Mission Statement:
Discover your true potential, Share your strength with others, Have the courage to overcome uncertainty, Let your creativity shine, even in a time of adversity.
Key Products or Services:
Undergraduate Courses
College of Liberal Arts
Department of English
Department of International and Cultural Studies
Department of International Cooperation and Multicultural Studies
Department of Mathematics
Department of Computer Science
College of Policy Studies
Department of Policy Studies
Graduate Programs
Graduate Program in English and Cultural Studies
Graduate Program in International and Cultural Studies
Graduate Program in Mathematics and Computer Science
International Operations:
Promoting Exchange Programs for International Students in Meeting Their Educational and Career Goals.
Tsuda’s formal student exchange program started in 1978 with the signing of an exchange agreement with Bryn Mawr College. Since then, the University has established student exchange or visiting programs with 32 institutions abroad. We accept international exchange students either for one year (April to January or September to July) or for half a year (spring semester or fall semester), depending upon students’ preferences.
Partner Universities:
The Center for International Exchange (CIE) provides many services to international students including advice on academic systems, registration for national health insurance, scholarship application, and orientations. The CIE helps assign campus accommodations for international students, and by collaborating with departments, faculties, and local communities, the CIE supports international students, including degree-seeking students, in order to enhance their educational, cultural, and social experiences so that they can make the most of their stay at Tsuda University.
The Center for International Exchange Website: