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Jose Paiva, Director General de Polo de Desenvolvimento de Zona Economica Especial de Luanda-Bengo

Interview - November 24, 2011
ZEE Luanda-Bengo develops industrial parks helping to transform Angola’s industry

To start the interview we would like to know your comments on the current moment Angola is experiencing after the 2002 Peace Treaty: all the successes it has achieved. What do you think was key in the success Angola is benefiting and what is your vision for the future?

To achieve the situation of prosperity and growth that Angola is experiencing we had to go through a very important national strategic policy of economical and social development. Through the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Economy a very important Cabinet for the National Reconstruction of the country was created and along these lines they decided to create and implement in the most prosperous regions of Angola, such as Luanda and Benguela, the Industrial parks and in particular the Zona Economica Especial Luanda-Bengo.
In 2005 the Minister for Finance and SONANGOL decided to create the ZEE Luanda-Bengo having an area of 1800 hectares of land to develop the industrial park and construct the transformation industry.
The achievement of peace helped the ZEE in order to begin with the construction of 16 industrial warehouses which are currently in use. The variety of industries in the ZEE Luanda-Bengo goes from car producers, industry of ink, transportation, electrical equipments, among others.

What do you believe are the most important benefits from a German-Angolan partnership?

We want to get through the image of MADE IN ANGOLA and the partnership with Germany is going to help us to do so. The main objective of the government is to reduce importation and to help the national development of the industry, which is the reason behind the creation of the Industrial parks.
A partnership with Germany is very welcome and very necessary for the development of Angola.
Angola has during some times of the year 20 hours of day time, much energy can be used, as well there is a lot of land throughout the country and we are surrounded by water, both by sea and rivers.
Nevertheless we need to be able to train our professionals to have the technical know-how and to construct and produce. Sometimes we only stay in the primary part of the policy, we stay in the ideas, and we do not give them shape. We need to help our people in order to reduce importation.
We need many help and investments in the hydroelectric sector as we do not have financial resources to develop them.

What importance does ZEE Luanda-Bengo give to human resources and how is it evolving to better its teams?
Would you be interested in an exchange with the German Community, the pioneers of development and of engineering and are seen worldwide as the leaders of technological advances?

I believe that human resources and the capacitating of our professional is crucial for the development of the country, I believe it to be a matter of extreme importance because our youngster are the future of Angola. Without the domination of the technical aspects nothing can be attained.
ZEE Luanda-Bengo works with the Ministry of Labour and the National Institute of Professional Formation to qualify its professionals.
For our institution the management is very important and the issues of quality, health, environment and security are fundamental too, those are the reasons for needing partnerships because we need to get these implementations through which will definitely lead to the satisfaction of our clients.

What is the importance that ZEE Luanda-Bengo hives to the areas of Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility? As you may know, Germany is very big in both these issues; they are the gemstone in Europe of the Green Movement and Environment and strongly believe in the implication of the people in the future of a country.

As I briefly commented before ZEE Luanda-Bengo gives a lot of importance to the social aspect of its workers and is the first interested part in the promotion and training of its administrative staff and work force. We believe that the living and working conditions have to be harmonious and we have helped to improve that of our workers.
We have an area in control of quality, natural environment and Corporate Responsibility and we have a project to develop a ZEE Responsibility centre to help the communities.

As the figure before ZEE Luanda-Bengo, a very important institution for the image and development in Luanda, how do you foresee its development and how do you think the industrial areas, are going to develop?

The ZEE of Luanda-Bengo is developing and needs to consolidate its influence and importance; this will take place throughout its work force and human resources which are already developing around the area in particular with the airport and the national roads. There is a strategic plan to develop the region and to develop the industry.

What message would you like to give our investment Community in Germany?

The message I would like to send to the German Community is that Angola is ready to receive its investments. We have been working very hard to achieve the international standards these investors require. We have a very rigorous plan of development and the society and the projections and perspectives Angola have are very good to receive investments and create big opportunities.

Could you please comment on the plans of expansion of the ZEE Luanda-Bengo and to what sectors does it want direct its messages in Angola?

Our institution wants to bring more clients of the energy and wants to help develop in the area renewable energies, as we commented before we have all the tools to do so.
Viana has 60.000 km2 and we can build upon the solar energy. Agriculture is as well very impotant in the region and we benefit from extraordinary conditions to keep growing this industry. We have cattle as well. And the Government is implementing a very important plan to develop integral industries.

What are your plans for the ZEE Luanda-Bengo for the next 10 years?

We want to keep looking for the best partners and to search for the best installations in Angola. The main objective is to grow and to keep up with the high standards we currently have in order to keep receiving the praises of President Dos Santos and of the foreign delegations that always come to visit our installations.